Tuesday 25 April 2023

New Particle Claim, X at 17 MeV.

In my weekly, literature search, I found, the preprint by Denton and Gehrlein, which investiages evidence for a 17 MeV boson, in nuclear decays, which itself decays to an electron position pair. The Authors found, the new particle, could be a mediator for the often suggested (B-L) symmetry (Baryon number minus Lepton Number), which often crops up in grand unification theorys (for example, Patti Salem). However the charges on quarks, electrons, and neutrinos, need to be different to pure (B-L), which may be explained, by breaking the (B-L) symmetry with a new Higgs Boson, and then also introducing Kenetic mixing the EM photon, as explained in Feng et Al. The 17 MeV particles, has previously generated quite a bit of interest, and was reported in scientific journalism, (e.g. physics world).

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