Monday 21 March 2022

First Draft of Global Warming Paper.

Link to the paper here

Wednesday 16 March 2022

Interesting Artice on Beyond Standard Model experimental Excesses and 7 KeV Sterlie Neutrinos

Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Puzzling Excesses in Dark Matter Searches and How to Resolve Them. Looks at the outstanding terestrial and astrophysics particle excess measurement. The interesting one for me is the 3.5 KeV x-ray line, and the 2-3KeV Xenon 1T electron recoil measurements. This could be one of the sterlie (to standard model) right handed neutrinos, we predicted at 7 KeV. We had it staying stable in matter as the Fermi background to cancel the axial force, but decaying in vacuum. Change in pressure of matter in the central of the galaxy, (upwards, pair producing right neutrinos, one which escapes, or downwards, freeing a right neutrino), would produces right handed neutrinos at 7KeV, which then decay to a left neutrino and an axiphoton. In the presence of matter some of these axial photons could convert to regular photon via interactions with quarks, the amount produced would be rough proportional to the matter density and rate of change in matter density in a region. The Xenon excess could also be due to right handed neutrino, a the Fermi sea of interacting with electrons, via a virtual axiphoton a virtual regular photon and virtual meson, (mainly PI), this would be quite suppressed but we would expect there to be many right handed neutrino in the presence of a fluid of a heavy atom like xenon. We may try a calculation of expected excess in the future.

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Rainfall energy input and climate sensitivity

byEarth current average annual rainfall is 39inchs. So multiply the volume of water falling per square meter, 970kg, the specific heat of water times the average 82.5 degree plus the heat of vapourization, gets 2.526GJ per year, or 80.11 Watts per square meter. Entering in our formula derived last time.
Where the 1, is the base climate sensitive as Wikipedia. The the 0.07, is the exponient of the increase in rainfall due to each extra degree of heat increase. Thus for every 6.6 Watts per square meter the atmosphere absorbs due to C02, 1W goes into raising the temperature one degree, and 5.6W goes into increasing rainfall. Given we before numerically calculated, that doubling CO2 to 800 parts per million (volume), absorbs 1.1 Watts per square meter. The actually amount of temperature rise is only, 0.167 degrees (Kelvin or Celesis).

Saturday 5 March 2022

Form of Climate Sensitivity including rainfall.

The standard climate sensetivity calculation (See note 2), is depends on T^3. but by Stefan Boltzmann law, but so does the radiation absorbed by any greenhouse gas. This leads to some people worrying about climate runaway boiling off the ocean. But any temperature increase lead to increased rainfall. Wikipedia quotes the sensitivity as about 1 Degree C per (Watt per square meter)). The 80inch of rainfall per year at the equator is equivalent to around 140 W per square meter going into latent heat (and then radiated above the lower atomosphere). Every 1 degree increase in temperature increases rainfall by 7% . So the climate sensitivity formule is of the form.
Where E_rf is the energy of evapouration of the water returned as rainfall per square meter. Due to the exponiential in temperature, the climate sensitivity rapidly decreases as the temperature increases and will never lead to thermal runaway. It remains to measure the current rainfall by latitude and compute the average over the earth. Which I will post later. If the entire rainfall was at the 80 inch per year, equator level climate would be reduce by a factor of 21, so this is a very significant effect, that greatly lessens the results of emissions of CO2.