Thursday 10 February 2022

Need a Multithreaded Numerical Integrator in Java - See below

In Java, the quickest Thread Exector for Thread that run many times in the Fork Join Pool. You can speed up your numerical integration on multicored CPU like most computers are today. Here it is in Git Hub If we define a function
public abstract class DoubFunction {

    abstract double evalInner(double x, double params[], int i);

    public double eval(double x, int i, double ...params){
        return evalInner(x,  params, i);


Then example Simpson Rule Integrates in Java are. With 16 Java Threads on AMD Ryzen with 8 Cores 16 CPU Threads, Standard Integrate takes 51.4 sec, and the ThreadIntegrator only 32.5 seconds.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

public class SimpsonsRule {

    private static double third = 1.0/3.0;

    private static int THREADS = 16;

    public static double integrateThreaded(double a, double b, int N, DoubFunction f, double ...params) {         // precision parameter
        double h = (b - a) / (N - 1);     // step size
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(THREADS);
       AtomicDouble sum = new AtomicDouble();
        for(int i=0; i {
                double mul = ii%2==0? 2*third: 4*third;
                if (ii==0) { mul = third; }
                if (ii==N-1){ mul = third; }
                double mul1 = mul;
                double x = a + h * ii;
                double fi = f.eval(x,ii, params);
                if (Double.isNaN(fi) ){
                    System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+x);
        try {
            if (!pool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)){
        } catch (Exception e){}
        return sum.getAndAdd(0.0) * h;

    public static double integrate(double a, double b, int N, DoubFunction f, double ...params) {         // precision parameter
        double h = (b - a) / (N - 1);     // step size
        double fa = f.eval(a,0, params);
        double fb = f.eval(b, N-1, params);
        if (Double.isNaN(fa) ){
          System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+a);
        if (Double.isNaN(fb)){
            System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+b);
        // 1/3 terms
        double sum = third * (fa + fb);

        // 4/3 terms
        for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i += 2) {
            double x = a + h * i;
            double fx = f.eval(x,i, params);
            if (Double.isNaN(fx)){
                System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+x);
            sum += 4.0 * third * fx;

        // 2/3 terms
        for (int i = 2; i < N - 1; i += 2) {
            double x = a + h * i;
            double fx = f.eval(x,i, params);
            if (Double.isNaN(fx)){
                System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+x);
            sum += 2.0 * third * fx;

        return sum * h;

    public static double integrateConsecutive(double a, double b, int N, DoubFunction f, double ...params) {         // precision parameter
        double h = (b - a) / (N - 1);     // step size
        double fa = f.eval(a,0, params);
        if (Double.isNaN(fa) ){
            System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+a);

        // 1/3 terms
        double sum = third*fa;

        // 4/3 terms
        boolean isOdd = true;
        for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i += 1) {
            double x = a + h * i;
            double fx = f.eval(x,i, params);
            if (Double.isNaN(fx)){
                System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+x);
            if (isOdd) {
                sum += 4.0 * third * fx;
            } else {
                sum += 2.0 * third * fx;

        double fb = f.eval(b, N-1, params);
        if (Double.isNaN(fb)){
            System.err.println(f.getClass().getName() + "IS NaN at "+b);
        sum = sum+ fb*third;

        return sum * h;

    public static void main(String args[]){
        // Roots of polynumerial to integrate
        List in = Arrays.asList(-0.9, -0.8,-0.7, -0.6,-0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0, .1,.2,.3,.4,.5, .6,.7, .8, .9 );
        DoubFunction func = new DoubFunction() {
            double evalInner(double x, double[] params, int i) {
        double consec=0;
        long startConsec = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for(int i=1;i<1000; i++) {
            consec = integrateConsecutive(-1, 1, 100000, func);
        double timeConsec = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startConsec)/1000.0;
        double standard=0;
        long startStandard = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for(int i=1; i<1000; i++) {
                standard = integrate(-1,1,100000,func);
        double timeStandard = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startStandard)/1000.0;
        double threaded=0;
        long startThreaded = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for(int i=1;i<1000; i++) {
            threaded = integrateThreaded(-1, 1, 100000, func);
        double timeThreaded = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startThreaded)/1000.0;
        System.out.println("Standard Integrator: "+standard+" time taken: "+timeStandard+" seconds");
        System.out.println("Consecutive Integrator: "+consec+" time taken: "+timeConsec+" seconds");
        System.out.println("threaded Integrator: "+threaded+" time taken: "+timeThreaded+" seconds");


class AtomicDouble {
    private AtomicReference value = new AtomicReference(Double.valueOf(0.0));
    double getAndAdd(double delta) {
        while (true) {
            Double currentValue = value.get();
            Double newValue = Double.valueOf(currentValue.doubleValue() + delta);
            if (value.compareAndSet(currentValue, newValue))
                return currentValue.doubleValue();

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