Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Signs of extra neutron star and white drawf cooling.
Any light new boson coupling to matter, would lead to extra cooling of white drawfs and neutron stars. And this has been used to limit parameters of extra forces.
Quanta Magazine, reports that signs of such cooling have been found . The most popular candidate is the one they mentioned the axion, but any boson might of low mass might be responseable.
Friday, 8 October 2021
Sterile Neutrino Oscillations Found at Baksan
Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions (BEST) https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14654 found results pointing to a sterile neutrino, produced from oscillating
electron neutrinos, squared mass difference 7.3 ev^2. The Axial force force predicts right handed neutrinos, (wouldn't be called sterile if they have another force), but
not oscillation, but does predict conversion via scatterin so as would oscillation in matter would be predicted. I could not tell from the paper, weather they was a vacuum or material between the neutrino source.
Thursday, 7 October 2021
CONUS Experiment probes nucleus neutrino non standard interactions.
CONUS yesterday, released results on non standard neutrino interactions, Arxiv link. As usual they ignore axial-vector interaction. But they can limit vector interaction to 5*10^-5 force constant for low (<1Mev) mass mediates. If that maps exactly to axial vector, its limits a new force constant to half as much i my estimate, 10^-4 of the new interaction strength. However axial vector interaction seems to be weaker as the neutrino energy increase. CONUS's neutrinos top out 1.8MeV. I need to take the time to calculate how much weaker the neutrino scattering is at these energies.
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
I am published
My Paper U(1) axial as a force between neutrinos has been published here. That is a paid journal.
Now free on Research Gate,
Sunday, 8 August 2021
Found paper on Secret Interactions of Neutrinos.
Probing Secret Interactions of Neutrinos in the High-Statistic Era Looks at Ice Cube 2, detecting extra neutrinos
interactions at high energy. Our axial force, seems to have less interactions as the energy goes up, so might not show up. Esteban et als, paper, references a paper
i missed, Constraining the self-interacting neutrino interpretation of the Hubble Tension Where the Hubble tension (different measurements of the Hubble Constant having different values), is solved by the force on neutrinos with mass in Kev to 100 MeV range. There force needs to be on tau-neutrinos only to match bounds.
Saturday, 19 June 2021
One Paper that limits the axials forces right hand neutrinos and one that doesn't
Many theorys predicate right handed neutrino states, with different masses to the standard neutrinos. They are also known as sterile neutrino as they interact with no known force. Our axial force theory also has right handed neutrinos, which we don't call sterile as they interact with the axial force. During beta decay they a produced with fraction, of one axial force constant of the total decays. Now a experiment Freidrich et al has procued the first limit on an sterile neutrinos from beta decay to an electron. In experiments, Beryllium 7 decays to lithium 7, a positron and a neutrino are messured. The recoil of the lithium is measured. They exclude the mass range 100 - 850 keV for a faction of 0.01% (1 part in 10000) neutrinos being heavy. Of course a great deal of the mass range is still allowed, included the 7keV right handed neutrinos, that might explain the 3.5 keV galactic center x-ray spectra.
Another paper from last here, Daya Bay and Minos looks and oscillation from standard neutrinos to other states, and excluded the Miniboone and LSND missing neutrino results at 99% confidence level. However axial force theory does not predict neutrino oscillation between the left and right handed states, instead it predicts the the right handed neutrinos produced above decay, leading to a small reduction of neutrinos in the near detectors, and slight more in far detectors, as the RH neutrinos decay back to LH ones. The paper does published the raw detector measurements, only the processed dates. But since the force constant of the axial force is small, (maybe an eightyth or hundredeth of the electromagnetic force), this probably would not be detected.
This summer Microboone at Fermilab is scheduled to present further measurements that may detect or exclude some parameter space for right handed neutrino states, so we looking forward to reading the results.
Saturday, 15 May 2021
Found an of interesting paper.
Verdini et al have a preprint on explaining the MiniBoone excess, (more than predicted electron neutrinos), by a decaying Mev Range right handed neutrino. They have the decay by photons coupling to the neutrino electric dipole. I think the much faster neutrino decay by a possible axial force, would arrive at a similar fit. They predict the neutrino state to be 376MeV and disappointingly they think the FANL (I think this means this Summers Microboone results), has too short a baseline to detect the new state or the decay. Previously Denler et al fitted the MiniBoone excess with a 100eV to 1 KeV decay neutrino.
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Axial force doesn't explain Muon G-2 (Anomalus Magnetic Moment)
In the axial force exist and interacts purely with quarks and neutrinos which is how we have currently be looking at, it cannot explain muon G-2 now widely reported to be 4.2 standard deviations away from the standard model prediction.
Under our model, the leading contribution to the magnetic moment of the muon is due to the diagram below, which is the standard leading W contribution with an axial force
photon connecting the muon neutrino and one of the W particles. Their are 3 active copies of this diagram, with permuting the axial force vertices between the W and neutrinos, and allowing for a vertice between the two Ws. Plus another 3, where the axial force loop goes back to the originating line.
With the weak force and no axial force, the one loop contribution is, Rosetti, Castro & Pestieau, is 3.889e-9.
While the experimental difference, is around 2.9e-9. But the axial force contribution, picks up
a fractor of 6 times the axial force strength coupling strength square or 6*4 pi alpha_a * the Weak contribution. To account for the anomaly the axial force would have a have the strengh \alpha=1/32 some five times stronger than the electromagnetic force, we had expected the strengh to be some 1/60 as strong as the electromagnetic force. It is highly doubtful that such a strong axial force could have been missed. It should be noted that while a force on an electron is highly constrained, a electronophobic neutrinophilic interaction not so much, they would however be a force on quarks leading to invisible energy lost in Hadron Jets.
Sunday, 14 February 2021
An Axial Force Engine.
If the axial force exists, and KeV right handed neutrino swarm around
heavy neuclei, to cancel out the axial charge. Then an Engine releasing
heat engine, is possible. The main material used would be a salt of heavy elements, e.g. Barium Iodide, that releases
heat on mixing with water. In Axial Force Theory part of the heat comes from the fact that heavy right handed
neutrinos, HRHN, surround the heavy element, while anti-HRHN surround the hydrogen in water. On solution, the anti
and regular neutrinos annhilate release axi-photons that a absorbed by other neucli and become heat energy. The
solvated water and salt, can then be allowed to dry out, during drying background neutrinos are absorbed into water
and anti-neutrinos into the salt. The process may then repeat. Thus an engine formed, that creates heat energy from
background cosmic neutrinos.
Energy Generation
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
MiniBoone experiment finds 4.7 Sigma Excess of electron neutrions where muon neutrino expected
This papger, explains it by the decay of around 100MeV right handed neutrinos to a left handed electron neutrinos via a axion like particle (spin 0 Boson),
MiniBoone Excess Paper
more detail to come
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by Dr B D O Adams

- Dr BDO Adams
- Dr BDO Adams, has a PhD in Theoretical Physics, a MBA in Information Systems for Business, and is Head of Majorana Informatics Ltd.