Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Article on Testing Non standard Neutrino Properties at Arxiv

Limits on new gauge vector forces and associated mass giving scalars for Z decay

The new paper at ArXiv by Peli and Trocsanyi linit show how Higgs Bosons decay measurements can limit new Bosons. The current measurement of Z width is not yet strong enough to limit all new models.
  The SM theoretical prediction for the Higgs boson width is ΓSM
h = 4.07 MeV, with
a relative uncertainty of 4% [3]. The experimental measurements on the other hand are
h = 4.5+3.3
−2.5 MeV [17] and ΓCMS
h = 3.2+2.4
−1.7 MeV [18], display a much larger uncertainty
than the SM theoretical prediction allowing for several BSM models to remain compatible
with observations.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Nova and T2K find non unitary mixing 3 sigma - Excess Neutrinos more than expected from oscillations - Neutrino Decay or Neutrino Pair Production

In Yu et al Analysis results from the 295 Kilometer far detector from J-PARC, T2k, and the 810 Kilometer far detector at Fermilab both with Gev Muon Neutrino, both seem to show excess electron neutrinos more than can be expect from Unitary (Preversing Particle Number) Oscillations of Neutrinos, the Nova detector show this much more strongly than T2k. Could Muon Neutinos be pair producing electron neutinos by scattering along the way, v_mu->v_mu + v_e + v-bar_e? As our axial force might do. The amount of extra electron neutrinos is 6% averaged over both experiments.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

DESI results don't favour a cosmological constant but a varying quintessence of some form.

The DESI results using Baryon Ascotic oscillations together with supernova spectrum to find galaxy velocity, seem at (3.4 Sigma) not to favour the cosmological constant but an dark energy or quintessence that reduces with time. Combined results have the equation of state parameter as 0.86 +.10 -.11. Zheng et al in Remember our axial force modelled qunintessence as a neutrino dark energy caused by the attractive force between neutrinos, which we estimate an equation of state or owega of 17/18 or 0.94444.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Recent Paper looks for Lepton Axial force in solar oscillations.

In Fang et al, look at how the matter effect on an lepton axial force world effect neutrio oscillation, and provide a strong exclusion g_vv g_A <10^-51. However they assume that all protons and neutrons have exactly the same axial force interaction. Because of conversation in beta decay we must have Q(n)=1+Q(p) so neutons and protons might have opposite charges .e.g 1/2 escaping Fangs, bounds. With photons and neutrons being oppositely charged to oscillation measurement might be very changed, and also if matter is net uncharged due to a background of slow neutrinos in matter.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Neutron Lifetime Puzzle

The neutron lifetime puzzle is that neutrons in beam have a lifetime of around 887 sec, while neutrons trapped in a magnetic bottle have a lifetime 1% less of around 877 secs. In Giacosa and Pagliara suggest resolving this through the quantum zero effect, to do so some new physics must be observing or interacting with the neutron in a bottle, every billionth of a second. Consider a neutrino background interacting with the axial force with strength 1/10000, we might have 1*10^17 neutrinos per cubic centimeter and the range might of the force might be 5nm. I each 5nm cubic there would be = 0.01 neutrinos, but they would be travelling new light speed, so in 10^-9 secconds, about 0.3 would pass. Giving approximately the correct amount of lifetime reduction, and better a good fit if the density was 3 time larger at 3*10^17 neutrino. Experimentally this could be confirmed by having a magnetic bottle far neutron or proton rich material to reduce the neutrion background. A magnesium 24 magnetic bottle held in a vacuum in a large room might remove a lot of the neutrion background, leaving the results near the beam decay rate. Indeed such neutron decay in a magnetic bottle might be a excellent detector of the density of a neutrino background.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

The New FASER experiment at CERN has muon neutrino interaction results at the high side of the error wide.

The FASER experiment has just published its muon neutrino interaction results.
It detected more interactions, 362 and expect 322, but just within the error bound of +/- 50.5 Could these high end extras be from our extra force?
The excess looks like its is in the middle low energy range for muon neutrinos but not muon anti neutrinos. The medium for the transport of the neutrinos is 100Km of rock and concrete which for us. we might have a background neutrino density of neutrinos. Could the high energy neutrino be pair producing extra medium energy neutrinos here at 1/alpha_nu * background density and then the anti-neutrino attraction to neutrinos scattering the anti-neutrinos more than the neutrinos.