Thursday 17 October 2024

Recent Paper has new limit on neutrino - majoron interactions from the SN1987 Supernova

The supernova of 1987, SN1987a which occurred in the large magilangic cloud, is the only supernova where neutrinos (some 24), interactions on earth have been recorded. These recorded interactions have now allow the researcher, P.I. Ballesteros and Christa Volpe,, to limit potential interactions between neutrinos and majorons (a Majoron is a spin zero particle like a light Huggs, giving mass just to the neutrino). The limits are force contant of around 10^-7 compare. This might also limit an axial force, although that would be a spin-1 psuedovector particle, previously we look at a force contant in the range a few*10^-5 so this paper might simiilar reduce the limits on strength of how force by a factor of a hundred. The previous work on SN1987, from the year 2000, and published in Phy Rev D, limited the majoron interactiom in the range, 3×10−7≲𝑔≲2×10−5 or 𝑔≳3×10−4 so left open the range 2*10^-5 to 3*10-4 allow or orignal guess of force constant (making the weak assumption that majoron and axi-photon limits would be similar.)

Monday 23 September 2024

NSI to solve the KOTO anomaly

This article in 2008, shows an attempted to resolve the KOTO and Invisible beutry decay anomalies via a new neutrino interaction, (there U(1) B-L)

Differences between Nova and T2K experiment hint (1.8 sigma) at a Neutrino Firth Force states the current status on a NSI is ~1.8 sigma and it is due to a CP violating phase Tension in measurements. With the axial force C is violated in matter neutrino interactions, due to matter being matter and not anti-matter, P and perhaps CP might be violated if the matter has a net axial charge where the neutrinos where passing.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

MOre invisible beauty decays. In a recent update to the invisable beauty decay found at Bella, finds it favours a two body decay, (but with final mass 0.6 GeV), our our axial force has 6 invisable end products, electron, muon and tau neutrino anti-neutrino pairs, but also there near sterile right handed complements, could the right handed tau neutrino have a 600MeV mass? If so it would make a strong decay matter candidate, if and only if its does't decay or its decay is very slow.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Limits on neutrino fifth forces from experiments., has some recent experimental limits on neutrino new forces.

Discrepency between lepton and baryon asymetries.

In, ChoeJo, Enomoto et al, look for a solution to a possible discrepency between the ratio of Baryons to photons ((6.14 ± 0.25) × 10−10), the ratio of neutrinos to photons with the EMPRESS,, experiment, suggest is (7.5+4.5−3.0) × 10−2. The sphaleron process suggest Delta B = Delta L. How can the extra neutrinos be explained? We had explained a mechanicism in, In section 14.2, I describe a cassade of pair production via the axial force increasing the number density of neutrino to aproximately 14 million million per cubic meter. The current Baryon density is approximately 1 proton per cubic meter. So our paper estinated 14,000 times to many neutrinos for a lightest neutrino mass of 0.14 meV and the next state being 8 meV, but it is a very effective mechanism for increasing the lepton assymetry. If the next lightest state was near 0.35 meV, the calculate would be a match.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Recent Neutrino Papers

A recently paper from Datta, Marfatia and Mukherjee and also here looked at the B^0->K^0 +inv decay, and hinted that a light scalar acting on neutrinos might be a solution, our light vector similarly could also be a solution. In Li and Yu look at the effective number of neutrinios in the Big Bang, for various Majoron masses. The Majoron is a light scalar that is a popular but undetected method of giving neutrinos masses. In href="">Bisset et al Look at potential exclusion limits for Sterile neutrinos from forthcoming Nucleii scattering experiments. In href="">Zhang et al Look at the Reactor Neutrino Anomally.